There are places in the world that attract attention for its unusual geography, showy structures or difficult location. The Migingo Island can integrate that list thanks to some striking details that have to do with its territory. Beyond not enjoy beautiful landscapes or monuments, this area of just 2,000 square meters, located in the middle of Lake Victoria, has attracted interest from two African countries, Kenya and Uganda.
In Migingo Island about 130 people live which subsist on fishing. It is precisely this reason sparking a great tension between Kenya and Uganda. Its location offers the best opportunities for fishing resources and income, highly sought after in these impoverished countries.
Since 1926 the island appears in several official documents marked as part of Kenya, but that did not stop seven years ago began a tension with Uganda that nearly caused a war. Knowing that it was impossible to wrest the territory to Kenya, Uganda clarified that most of the waters of the lake near the island belong. Nile perch is the most abundant fish in the area.
Although Migingo Island has very poor infrastructure, besides not having basic services and be very dangerous, many Africans try to live in the place. However this!